Saturday, 15 February 2014

Liquid Crystal Tank

 The two items that were the starting point the blowlamp body purchased from Leeds Streampunk Market and a black plastic pepper pot which was the perfect internal diameter to fit over the top of my monitor stand.

The three photos below show how the two were attached together with a self tapping screw and much epoxy glue.

The whole the thing was then a push fit over the top of
one of the monitor stands, next thing to do is to get some micro-bore tubing or brake line and connect the "liquid crystal tank" up with the screens.

There will be T pieces epoxied onto each of the threaded connectors where the blowlamp handle would have been and then straight sections of pipe connecting to each screen. I am also watch a number of small pressure gauges on eBay with the
view to fitting one into the whole in the top of the tank possibly with a length of 15mm pipe.

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Recent Purcases (PC speakers)

Three hardwood boxes picked up for £4:50 from a charity shop, these will be two speakers and an amplifier for the speakers for my Steampunk PC, they will be getting sanded back to bare wood then given a coat or two of  mahogany wood stain.

Looking into either installing an existing set of PC speakers or possibly building something with a bit better sound quality.
 These were an eBay purchase, a set of two brass goblets which are engraved on the outsides, they immediately reminded me of brass gramophone horns, they will have their bases removed and be installed as none functional horn speakers to the tops of the speaker boxes.

The amplifier box will be getting a cut out to accept the decibel meter which I picked up at the Newark Antiques Fair last year, I am undecided as yet if
to try to wire this up to one of the channels of the amplifier so the needle sweeps in time to the music. I am currently on the look out for a suitably steamy looking volume control knob.